As I have explored the world of blogging, especially microblogging, like Twitter, there appears to be a cloud of fear that can potentially limit one’s expression due to the possibility of online harassment and retribution. After all, we are living… Continue Reading →
As a middle school technology educator, the term digital native often makes its way into discussions with colleagues. Often these discussions lead to assumptions that acquisition of knowledge is much more natural with the use of technology. While the accessibility… Continue Reading →
It is great to observe young students develop an interest in blogging as this can serve as a valuable tool to aggregate their work over a period of time and show an accurate picture of academic and personal growth. I… Continue Reading →
For this post, which requires the integration of a poll, I used the WP plugin “Poll Options” to generate a snippet of a shortcode. As my current school begins to shift away from Edmodo, I found it imperative to gather stakeholder… Continue Reading →
With Halloween around the corner, what better short horror story than to get your students ready for the month of October. Edgar Allan Poe’s haunting story follows an unnamed and ungendered narrator’s, as they slowly descend into madness. This post… Continue Reading →
If your school has an iPad BYOD, cart, or 1-to-1 program, then you may have heard about or use Ginger Labs award-winning note taking an application, Notability. With hundreds of thousands of users, superior accessibility functions, and an interface that is… Continue Reading →
This one is for all those iPad one-to-one facilitators out there looking for an engaging activity to jump-start the new school year. For this activity, one will need the free applications Canva and Snapseed (other image filtering applications work too)…. Continue Reading →
As a young reader, finding the right book can be challenging. With an abundance of genres, which are often saturated with hundreds of titles, getting lost in deciding what to read is often the outcome. Web-based literacy programs like Reading… Continue Reading →
1-Minute Biography Activity by Matt Vargyas This blog post is a guest entry by Matt Vargyas, a technology educator at ER Middle School. Matt is a Google Level 2 Educator and holds a BA in English from UCSB and MAT… Continue Reading →
Copyright 2017. Castro
Google Forms: A Formative Assessment Tool
There are many definitions for the term formative assessment. Black and Wiliam (1998a) described formative assessment “as encompassing all those activities undertaken by teachers, and/or by their students, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching… Continue Reading →